The Challenge

Helped a leading luxury brand develop a new retail experience that tapped into the aspirations of emerging consumer values and interests.

Initial Hunches

Kicked off with preliminary research and engaged key stakeholders to form the framework for ethnographic study. Conducted a Smart Start Workshop with the core team to rally and align on the project objectives and scope.


Consumer Research

Explored the opportunity, gathering insights across multiple markets globally to inspire and provoke. Hosted a powerful Storytelling Session with teams and leadership to share key focus areas for the brand. Leveraged Mobile Diaries, Shop-alongs, and Ethnographies to identify insights. 

Experience Principles

Built Experience Principles grounded in insights and commercial analysis to inform and direct the offering. Hosted an Experience Building Workshop with the project team to finalize the brand experience principles.

Branded Ideas

Used a series of Collaborative Sessions to build Tactical Ideas for retail around key experience principles, then worked with the core brand team to identify the strongest ideas for execution.

Experience Brief & Execution

Created a powerful Retail Experience Brief that served as a roadmap for a new retail experience. Then worked alongside designers, architects, and digital firms to bring this new retail experience to life, including building out core ideas and service experiences within the new retail space. 

The Outcome

Developed a transformative beauty retail experience from insights, to concept and launch, for one of the world’s most loved luxury brands.

This project is under NDA, but you’ve probably seen the results in a New York neighborhood.


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