News Archive

Panel: Opportunities with Cultural Insights 

A panel on how to leverage cultural insights to better understand audience behavior. Hosted by the Social Intelligence Lab.

Panel: Data Science in the Classroom

Led an expert panel for UNESCO and the Liiv Center, on transforming how we teach anthropology in the digital age at the American Anthropology Association’s annual conference.

Interview: RE/GENERATION Magazine

A conversation on the role digital anthropology can have in making societies more inclusive, and why UNESCO and the Liiv Center are investing in this growing field.

Interview: Data Dichotomies

Interviewed for a new report by UBS and Futures Laboratory on how smart organizations are empowering consumers and ushering in an all-new era of data discretion, protection, and reward.

Podcast: Anthropology in Business

A conversation with Matt Artz about my career as a business anthropologist. The conversation covers my journey from the USC online communities graduate program to becoming a digital anthropologist, and now working at the Liiv Center.

Panel: Human Insights in the Age of Digital Disruption

Led a panel for UNESCO and the Liiv Center on why innovation in digital anthropology could define the next era of social human science.

Article: Digital Anthropology Meets Data Science

Anthropology News article I wrote, highlighting innovative thinkers in digital anthropology.

Interview: Digital Engagement, A Social Future

Interviewed for a new foresight report on digital futures by Lush x The Future Laboratory.

Speaker: The Future of Audience Insights

Gave a talk at the Media Insights & Engagement Conference, on the future of audience insights through the lens of a digital anthropologist.

Panel: Understanding human behavior using digital data

A panel on understanding human behavior using digital data: Balancing the benefits and dangers. Hosted by Social Intelligence Lab.

Panel: The Future of Digital Ethics @ SXSW

Presented by Lush and The Future Laboratory on why digital culture and the need to be techno-optimist to flourish—with digital spaces, Web3, the metaverse, AI, and emerging tech.

Speaker: Digital Anthropology for Peacebuilding

Presented at Joan Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice to discuss ways digital anthropology methods and mindsets can be applied to peacebuilding.

Interview: Connected Consumer 2030

Interviewed for a new foresight report on the importance of realizing that data is people.