The Challenge

Helped one of the UK’s largest social housing organizations elevate their new tenant experience by building a stronger platform for growth, for both their tenants, their people, and their business.


Ran 8 Stakeholder Interviews and reviewed internal documents to build out starter human problems. Ran Kick Off Session with the core team to gain alignment on the project challenge, agree on ways of working, and get motivated for the journey ahead!



Unearthed rich Tenant Insights through in-home ethnographies, service observations, and mobile diaries with dozens of current and prospective. Developed key insights and starter ideas that solve tenants’ problems.

Provocation & Insight Experiments

Iterated human problems (insights) and built out a collection of problem areas to solve. Then ran an expansive and engaging Ideas Session around key problem areas, to then narrow down to 6 Leading Ideas to take into tenant focus groups and co-creation sessions.


Designed 6 Mock-ups for focus groups and Co-creation Sessions for both employee teams and tenants.  Leveraged  agile economic tools to narrow down to a lead solution and identified most critical assumptions to explore in further experiments.

Solution Development & Recommendation

Ran final round of experimentation on key ideas, built and iterated prototypes and created a Proposition Playbook and Strategic Recommendation that included stress-tested and prototyped ideas, costing, and an activation roadmap for impact.

A Key Insight

Despite a government-supported home often being a ‘step up’ from a difficult situation or homeless shelter, coming into social housing today is often a moment of despair. From mold on the walls and no flooring to living without a stove or refrigerator for months, all whilst trying to safely care for children. This is overwhelming. The work and cost involved in turning a rental into a real home can feel insurmountable. Tenants don’t just need a roof over their heads, but a solid foundation they can build upon so they don’t keep sinking back into their past.

The Outcome

We developed an ethical and viable, sector-leading new rental renovation product and service strategy that supports greater tenant satisfaction, reduces rental churn, and increases average tenancy length, while lowering tenant dissatisfaction and the need for ongoing rental repairs.

This project is under NDA, but you’ve probably seen the results in social housing living rooms and livelihoods across the UK.


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