The Challenge

Partnered with a global beer maker to create a platform that empowered their growers to thrive while delivering shared value for the company through a local, resilient, and stable supply of a key ingredient.

Initial Hunches

During our Kick Off we generated Hunches around potential solution territories that informed our customer research. These Hunches directed our team to the areas we wanted to explore, serving as our point of entry into the world of farming.


Customer Research & Insights

Ethnography: We traveled around the world to interview 20 growers on their experiences and pain points.

Online Community: We launched an online community with 50 agronomists to understand their journey and relationships with growers.

Ideas & Testing

Based on our deep understanding of the challenges farmers face, we identified a set of Design Principles and a differentiated Value Proposition to be the guiding light for the strategy going forward

Mobile Concept Testing: We created digital prototypes of various mobile app and platform ideas and features. We then tested these in action with customers while they were working in the field. 


We finalized our ideas into a final concept for a Mobile App, including a UI/UX Toolkit ready for design and development.

A Key Insight

When it comes to farming, a lack of access to insights and tracking of the crop, soil and weather can lead to seemingly unpredictable risks that can destroy a crop yield and also a family’s financial security.

The Outcome

We developed a solution that could deliver value to farmers through new capabilities that could improve their yield and decision making.

This project is under NDA, but you’ve probably seen the results inside one of your favorite beers.


Consumer Research: Multicultural Millennials