The Challenge

Helped a leading media & communications group unearth unique insights into the lives and interpersonal dynamics of America’s multicultural millennials to inspire their brands and advertisers to connect with these audiences in ways that truly resonate. 

Initial Hunches

During our Kick Off Workshop we used social listening insights, related worlds and future trends to generate Hunches around potential insight territories that informed how we designed our research. These Hunches directed our team to the areas we wanted to explore, serving as our point of entry into the world of multicultural millennials.


Digital Anthropology

Netnography: We tapped into millions of online multicultural millennial conversations across a variety of platforms, collecting Clues of data about their relationships, motivations, and beliefs.

Expert Panel: We appointed a panel of advisors made up of multicultural influencers and experts to serve as a guiding touch point throughout the project to steer and pressure test thinking along the way. 

Story Vlogs: Video storytelling blogs allowed us to tap into a diverse set of audiences across the US and capture the personal stories that shape their public and private identity.

Mobile Missions: Through the DScout mobile app we lived in the pockets of our segment to understand meaningful moments that occurred throughout the day and night. 

Insights Workshop

We ran a Storytelling Workshop and synthesized our clues into compelling insights and “truths” that brought to life the multicultural millennial experience. 

Quant Survey: After aligning on the most powerful insights and stories, we designed a large-scale (1,000 person) quantitative survey that stress tests these insights against a widespread audience of multicultural Millennials. 

Growth Opportunity Areas

These Insights served as the foundation for a selection of Opportunity Areas and idea provocations that they or their advertisers could use to build meaningful connections with their customers.

A Key Insight

1st generation multicultural millennials weren’t coddled. From an early age, they saw, heard and felt the very real and unique sacrifices their family made for them by picking up and moving to a new country. They grew up with a real sense that they owed their parents, their ultimate role models, a success story. That’s why a deep-seated pressure to succeed in their professional and personal lives constantly weighs on them.

The Outcome

We developed a powerful presentation showcase of impactful insights and advertiser opportunity areas, supported by benchmarking data, for our clients to showcase and inspire their advertisers.

This project is under NDA, but you’ve probably seen the results reflected through a popular streaming platform


Consumer Research: Cultural Shifts


User Research: Building a Digital Platform for Farmers