The Challenge

Helped a newly acquired start-up leadership team at a leading financial services group, adjust to a new team structure, strategy, and ambitious growth landscape. We ran a leadership workshop to reinvent the team’s charter with the purpose of further refining their team commitments and behaviors – enabling the team to continue to work effectively with maximum impact.

Reflection & Alignment Exercises


Using the inputs from stakeholder interviews prior to the session, we asked the team to reflect on ”what surprised” and “what inspired” them, surfacing the aspirations of the team.


We led an exercise where we discussed key team behaviors and landed on behaviors we must stop, start or continue.

Barriers & Enablers

We landed on the key barriers and enablers to working as an effective team and achieving the strategic goals of both the new start-up and the longstanding financial provider.

Success Formula

Recognizing the shift in strategic priorities and the team’s commitments to both the start-up and the financial provider that acquired them, the team had a chance to revisit their success formula.

Team Charter Replay

We led a moment to reflect on the current team charter and discuss what’s worked and what hasn’t and land on the lessons learned from the past year.

Related Worlds & New Team Charter

We then took inspiration from other categories and brands that have faced similar obstacles or shared a similar vision and applied those learnings to the development of a new team charter and a selection of activation ideas.


Innovation Training Bootcamp