The Challenge

Helped a large global beauty company launch a scalable, purpose-driven natural beauty offer and ecosystem of disruptive products, services, and experiences.


Spring 1: Insights Deep Dive

Built upon the current brand manifesto and existing value propositions with a 360 approach to insights & foresight to strengthen, expand and validate potential opportunities and translate these into a series of starter value propositions and a design persona to take forward into co-creation. Ran mobile diaries in-home ethnographies and in-store “shop-alongs.”

Spring 2: Value Prop Co-Creation

Brought to life key high-potential value propositions with an array of product innovations to iterate and refine with consumers and experts in a prototyped “Natural Beauty Lab.” Ran consumer focus groups and co-creations, with prototyped product concepts. Refined the top value propositions to take forward into further design and testing.

A Key Insight

Natural beauty enthusiasts believe natural ingredients are the purest form of plants because that signals they are safe.

But if ingredients are really natural they should be safe enough to eat and expire just like food.

The Outcome

We developed a unique and exciting value proposition in the naturals space that was validated and co-created with key consumer groups. We also created an inspiring brand manifesto and visual identity that cut through the clutter and connected the brand with its audience in meaningful ways. Lastly, we built an innovative lineup of high-potential product concepts, along with a roadmap to guide their development through agile experiments.

This project is under NDA, but you’ve probably seen the results in the beauty aisle.


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