Digital Anthropologist 

I’m a


Innovation Strategist

I help companies deeply understand their customers in the age of digital transformation, and use these insights to create new products, services, and solutions that drive meaningful impact


I’m a blend between digital anthropologist and strategic innovation leader, with over a decade of experience running digital anthropology labs (digital mixed method qual/quant consumer research) and strategic innovation projects.

I’m a believer in the power of human-centered design and innovation as the driver of today’s most valuable (and loved) companies and brands. 



  • Insights at the Speed of Culture: Leveraging mixed method consumer research tools and approaches to deeply understand the needs, and motivations driving customers and consumers (people.)

  • Fueling meaningful strategic growth: Using innovation and design thinking tools and processes to invent new products, services and solutions that meet that perfect combination between new human problems in the world and innovative solutions and strategies that fuel meaningful growth.

  • Design and lead workshops and experiences that leverage innovative tools and creative behaviors to bring teams. and leaders together to align on strategic goals and drive meaningful impact.

  • Talks and panels about #digitalanthropology, #web3, and #digitalethics, with a focus on investing in the careers, education, and technologies that will support a more ethical and equal digital future.

  • Coaching individuals and teams on how to leverage mixed method digital research methods and tools (digital anthropology) to understand their customers and consumers more deeply, ethically, and effectively.


Panel Discussion: Social Intelligence Lab

Opportunities with
Cultural Insights

Joined a panel discussion, hosted by the Social Intelligence Lab, on how to leverage cultural insights to understand audience behavior.

Panel Discussion: SXSW x Lush House x Future Laboratory

The Future of
Digital Ethics

Joined a panel presented by Lush and The Future Laboratory on digital culture and the need to be techno-optimist to flourish—with digital spaces, Web3, the metaverse, AI, and emerging tech.

Article: Anthropology News Magazine

Digital Anthropology Meets
Data Science

Wrote an article for Anthropology News, the world’s largest anthropology magazine, on emerging innovators blending anthropology and data science to understand rapid social changes in real-time.


